Friday, November 27, 2009

PLZ PLZ PLZ answer....What is teenwag?

People are inviting me to join teenwag and i have no idea what it is. Is it like myspace, why or why not. Is it fun, why or why not? What do you do on it? Sorry to make this sound like a quiz but my mom will be REALLY mad if its like myspace. plz answer. thanx by tha way, the reason this is in the friends category is bcuz those ppl r my friends but they mite get mad at me if my mom says i cant hav it cuz its like myspace so PLZ answer....thanx :)

PLZ PLZ PLZ answer....What is teenwag?

you should because it will be a nice experience but i dont kno what it is but you should get out there and try new things

PLZ PLZ PLZ answer....What is teenwag? - A place for teens, celebrity news and addictive gossip! is the hottest gossip news site for everyone who want to shrine snarky and adulatory gossip, pictures, news and videos. [Found on Google, Windows Live, Yahoo! Search,]

PLZ PLZ PLZ answer....What is teenwag?

It's not like myspace. It's much better and you can find really interesting things

PLZ PLZ PLZ answer....What is teenwag?

You are a nice lady i think, if so, then don`t joined it. It`s a site for gosippers.

PLZ PLZ PLZ answer....What is teenwag?

Avoid and do better things with good friends

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