Sunday, November 29, 2009

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

im 14 hes 18, hes had sex once im a virgin. ive known him for 3 years and two years ago i started to like him, but i knew i couldnt have him so i tried to stop liking him but i didnt work and i still liek him, hes perfect likes everything i do. people have told me not to like him because if i end up going out with him i will end up having sex early.i usally dont even talk when i rarely see him or make eye contact. he thinks im cute :) but i want to get to know him coz im good friends with his sister. and he also did this myspace quiz thing and he said he lieks someone but it proberly isnt me. do u think i have a chance?

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

If you really like him and care about him then stay away from him. If you ended up in a sexual relationship with him then he could go to jail.

If its meant to be then you will get together when you are both older. Trust me on this.

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

"he also did this MYSPACE quiz thing and he said he lieks someone but it proberly isnt me"

that probably should be ur first reason why you shouldn't fall in for this guy.

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

well if he doesnt want to go to jail.. than no you dont have a chance. The fact he is 18 and youre young.. is in almost all states illegal..... most states the legal age of consent is 16 or older... some its 18. Plus he is more experienced than you are wich would be a problem. If you really like him and he likes you.. stay freinds and who knows what may come of it when you are "old enough"

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

Yup.... so be careful.

your still too young.....

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

you seem to have a good head on your shoulder, make sure that its you will decide when you will have sex not him and don't you let him dictate to you otherwise. be careful and safe!

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

I had a bf that age, when I was your age.

Everyone was outraged, and in the end we were separated by my parents who forbid me to see him. Nobody believed me that he was very respectful, and all we did was kiss.

So I do think you have a chance.

And it seems like you're not some airhead that's dying to have a baby. So by all means, don't give up on this crush.

It might not pan out right now, but who knows, maybe he'll look you up when you're 18?

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

sorry, but no. he's way to old for you. you'll just wind up hurt. you can be his friend, but don't go out with him. there's way more guys closer to ur age out there

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

Girl, everyone is right you will probably have sex and also this guy isn't a little boy anymore he is a man and if you have sex with him he could be risking jail time depending on who you tell and if the cops bust him. I know age is just a number but your only 14 you shouldn't see a 18 year old it will get the guy in hot water.

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

he seems too experienced for're probably in 8th or 9th grade and he's leaving high school, or at the tale end of it. You may be cute, but why would he go after someone 4 years younger than him, when he could get someone much older? By the way, if you guys DO get together, don't give into sex, especially at your age....even if he does pressure you.

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

no this is wrong his way older than u and he has more experience with girls hell only want to have sex with u maybe but nothing serious,hell end up hurting ur feeling if u fall for him, just be friends and look for someone ur age.

Super dooper hot 18 year old :)?

when you're 18, and he's 22- go for it.

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